One of the things that I really didn't have much information on before coming to Saba was the availability and prices of food (specifically fruit and vegetables). There was so much hype about not being able to get any or that they would be super inhibitively expensive. Well they ARE available but thankfully they are only mildly more expensive. Definitely not so bad that you can't afford to eat properly!
The problem is, that they only come in on the boat on wednesdays so there is a crazy rush to get to the store after class ends on wednesdays.
If you know the shortcut you can beat the line but apparently i'm not very stealthy haha...

The store we go to is called my store and its a world of its own, maybe another time i'll get some pictures. At my store theres always lots of dry goods like rice and cereal but what fluctuates is the meat and produce. Another good thing about my store is that they will deliver if you buy enough. This is crucial since hauling all of this up the hill would be nearly impossible.
Anyways here's an example of what I bought today...
The haul includes some fruit and veggies such as apples and oranges (almost always available), lettuce (snatched quickly on wed), cucumber, tomato, cherries (yum!), zucchini, and peppers (the green ones are the cheapest!).

Protein this week was a bit more scarce (last week I scored a bunch of tilapia) this week I got some deli turkey, fake crab meat (not sure how i'll use it yet) and that tube in the front is ground turkey apparently (weird!) which i'm planning on making into either fajitas or pasta sauce. Luckily lentils and beans are pretty cheap here for some protein in between. Cheese is also surprisingly cheap here. I also got some snack foods for when i'm in study mode!

You can also apparently get some fresh fruit and veggies that are grown locally. I just missed mango season which, if you know how much I love mango, is very sad! Also there is a guy who has a small farmers market but he is away this week and he will be back next week.
The rule of the island is take what you can get and don't get too attached because you may never see it again!
I am very lucky I got an oven because some of the best food I have made so far has been in the oven. For example last night (and lunch today) I had tilapia with cut up veggies covered in salsa and cheese and then baked. I love cooking in the oven because I don't have to sit and watch it cook, I can put on the timer and go back to studying. The only problem with being one of three quads that have an oven is that everyone else wants to use it, haha... our rule is as long as you do your own dishes!

Alright back to studying I go... any requests for pictures of something? Someone already asked me to put up more pictures of the campus...
Oh and also the restaurants here are AMAZING! Its like eating straight from a home kitchen, well they pretty much are home kitchens, theres nothing mass produced here! And when they run out they run out so you better get there early!